Lily Buns

Rabbit Rescue

About Us

At Lily Buns Rabbit Rescue we aim to spread education about proper rabbit care whilst rescuing dumped, neglected, and injured rabbits.

Hi all, my name is Kimberly and I founded Lily Buns Rabbit Rescue quite by accident. In February of 2021 I went to a local farm store and impulse purchased the sweetest baby rabbit! I named her Lily Buns and it was only when I brought her home and the excitement wore off, that I realized I knew nothing about proper rabbit care! (The farm store and other pet stores don’t actually offer proper rabbit care, just breeder and meat supplies) Quickly I realized I was in over my head and reached out to a local rabbit rescue to help. They were so supportive and their thorough education course and nonjudgmental attitude encouraged me to both learn and foster. During my time fostering with them, I realized that no rabbit rescue could physically keep up with the demand for owner surrenders, dumped rabbits, and rabbits needing help. For that reason, I took a leap of faith and partnered with the other rabbit rescue to form ‘Lily Buns Rabbit Rescue’ after my impulse purchase bunny named Lily Buns. By this time she was nearly free roam, being spoiled like she deserved, and was a proper member of our family. In fact, she rules the roost! We’ve since applied for nonprofit status and have the following goal in mind: We aim to spread education about proper rabbit care whilst rescuing dumped, neglected, and injured rabbits. Every single rabbit in our program gets health exams by a licensed exotic veterinarian, spayed/neutered, and receives their RHDV2 vaccine. As a foster based rescue we feel that it is important for rabbits to acclimate to home environments not only so that they receive more socialization than they would in a typical shelter structure, but also so the integration into part of their forever family is extremely low stress for all sides. Adopters receive lifelong support and encouragement because we feel Lily Buns Rabbit Rescue is an exceptional community of people helping others.

We are a small foster based rabbit rescue that is 100% volunteer based with an emphasis on education and responsible adoption.

Licensed 501(c)3.
Belleville, IL


Support our rescue with custom made and/or handsewn treasures

100% of the proceeds are used to further our foster based rabbit rescue services.

Sweatshirt | $35.99-$37.99

Handsewn Plushie | $35

T-shirt | $24.99-$27.99
